For Authors

Philosophy papers are typically refereed or reviewed in a "double-blind manner," that is, not only does the author not know the identity of the reviewer but also the reviewer should not know the identity of the author. So authors are free to design their manuscript so as to facilitate such a process.  However mathematical papers are usually refereed in such a way that only the referee's identity is confidential.

To submit manuscripts, please visit Editflow. Register to use Editflow by entering your name and e-mail. Editflow will then guide you through the submission process; there is a tutorial if you need additional assistance. Manuscripts should be submitted in LaTeX with \documentclass{jfl} or, alternatively, {amsart}. For submissions that are not in some form of TeX, a PDF with all fonts properly embedded is required. Every submission must include an abstract of 150 words or less, a list of keywords, and 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification codes. For a style guide and \documentclass{jfl}, see the typesetting section.

Submitting authors warrant the following:

  1. The submitted work is original, has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere unless and until the NDJFL has given notice that it will not publish it.
  2. They have the legal authority to assign all rights in the submitted work.
  3. They have secured all necessary permissions for content (e.g., artwork) that is not original.
  4. They have obtained permission to cite all persons identified as sources of personal communication.
  5. They have obtained from any coauthors express approval to list them as authors and to submit the work for publication.
  6. They have taken proper care to ensure that the work is true in fact, does not contain defamatory or illegal content, and does not infringe on the rights of others.

Authors whose work is accepted must sign an assignment of copyright to the NDJFL to protect themselves and the publisher from misuse of copyrighted material.


In most cases NDJFL prefers the final manuscripts be submitted in LaTeX with \documentclass{ndjflart} or, as an alternative, {amsart}.


  • ndjflart.cls and dupart.cls
    • LaTeX style files for \documentclass{ndjflart}. These contains all the necessary code to typeset a paper for the NDJFL. 
  • jflnat.bst
    • Bibliography style file for BibTeX in the NDJFL style. 
  • Style Guide (176k PDF)
  • Style Guide (27k TEX)